Ongoing Journal for Web 101


What is the Internet (1.1) and the World Wide Web (1.2)

The Internet is Interconnected Computers
and the www is the cloud of applications we can utilise to interact or 'surf the web'.

Jumping out and resonating with me through these first days has been two items in particular. For what is the Internet, from the Readings for Hypertext, under The Place of Big Wind, a reference to a work called; a fantastic Chinese novel called The Garden of Forking Paths. Especially thinking of the Internet in terms of
" we now live in a universe that looks suspiciously like a Garden of Forking Paths. " All parts of this 'Garden', and the WWW that flourishes and blooms above and from it, are further developed as ideas from allowing myself to not only follow these paths but recognise how they echo back to and confirm the defintions brought up in this first week. I paste links for that work here for all (and for my revision).

For the World Wide Web, Clay Shirkys statement during his 'Here Comes Everybody; Where do People Find the Time' talk at the 2008 Web2.0 Lecture; "Media that targets you but doesn't include you may not be worth watching", and especially his articulation of "Cognitive Surplus" ( A newly released work) had me laughing as well as being filled with joy because 'this is the stuff I want to learn'.
I paste other versions of both these into here for those interested, and for my own revision (of course).

An Interpretation of the Garden of Forking Path Final
Clay Shirky - Where do people find the time Part 1
Video "Clay Shirky - Where do people find the time Part 2 ...
YouTube - Clay Shirky on New Book "Here Comes Everybody"

Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change ...
14 min - 29 Jun 2010
Uploaded by TEDtalksDirector

Overall it's been a great week!
The Internet Tree, its WW Leaves and all those Sonar Dolphins.

The Internet is a Tree whose Roots sink into and cling to the earth, whose branches grow up to the sky and interweave with all those in cyber-forest. The World Wide Web is the leaves and fruit that flourishes from these, with sonar-dolphins swimming through, echoing out our many thought sighs.
Here come the birds, here they build their seasonal nests and nurse their chicks. At dawn their chorus rises and fills the World Wide Sky; singing to each other, calling to each other, throughout each electronic tide.
Reflection from 7/12/2010 on Wordpress AJGuesdon WEB 101 Blog:

HTML and
Going Way
HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) , through the use of 'tags', describes how a webpage will look on the Web or appear on web-browsers. Text, images and Hyperlinks to other pages can be created using the What You See Is What You Get application.
Application Definition: Application software, also known as an application or an "app", is computer software designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple related specific tasks. It helps to solve problems in the real world. Examples include enterprise software, accounting software, office suites, graphics software, and media players.
Early webpages were fairly basic collections of HTML and Hypertext pages. They were a static form  that linked to data available but did not go outside the themes or context of Information being sought. Developments have changed the nature of these links into what is termed 'surfing the web' where links are infinite and, alike the way we may think when following to uncover more and more information on a particular subject, will take us outside purely scholarly articles or 'pages' by offering a wide scope, through 'tags' still, of all pages that relate to that subject. Sometimes we may find ourselves on personal opinion pages or journals (blogs), at other times, links followed within and at sides of original texts, will offer facts, graphs, images, ancient and modern connotations and context. In this form the Web, and in particular this application, mirrors the way our minds clarify and accumulate our store of knowledge in whatever subject we have developed an interest in as we follow one after another 'thought' or 'idea' to answer each new question. This, ultimately, is development of the self, and when applied to an interactive current form of the Web, also similarly develops the Web itself by refining, adding to, or linking content to questions.
I now use the Web to research data for works, when previously I spent days in Libraries, and find I have a, pardon the pun, 'World Wide' body of knowledge to access to Clarify and put in Context. Some of the sites I go to make me laugh, they are so far from the original subject I was seeking. Others need validating as so much is placed on the web without acknowledged citations, others off-putting because of the 'tone' used. Occasionally I discover one that seems to resonate with my own pursuits and brings to mind the term 'Cosmic Consciousness' as an echo to Clay Shirkys' 'Cognitive Surplus'.
My own Notebook, especially when seeking further data, now responds with examples or offerings that seem catered to me, to the subjects I am interested in or websites I have frequented in the past. It would be interesting to see what colours and features our personal computers may develop if they were organic enough to offer up the landscapes, blooms and fruits to reflect the nature of those(users) who breathe their air into them, program their 'thought pages', especially sites frequented. Mine may be green, with shimmering lights, but it would also have an invisible rainbow aura I suspect, and even develop an inner voice to answer my own, perhaps with a faster stronger access to exactly the right web-page. It may even, when prompted and merely touched, create those web-pages itself.
Scary... or merely development of a Revelation definition in a Technology Context?
2. Harnessing Collective Intelligence
The central principle behind the success of the giants born in the Web 1.0 era who have survived to lead the Web 2.0 era appears to be this, that they have embraced the power of the web to harness collective intelligence:
·    Hyperlinking is the foundation of the web. As users add new content, and new sites, it is bound in to the structure of the web by other users discovering the content and linking to it. Much as synapses form in the brain, with associations becoming stronger through repetition or intensity, the web of connections grows organically as an output of the collective activity of all web users.

Application software. (2010, December 13). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved , December 16, 2010, from

I prefer Linear Narratives, non-linear narratives, while attractive in a 'stream of consciousness' context, do not always clarify or lead you into the core of a maze then out again, they actually create more mazes which you may follow away from the object you were seeking to begin with.
Storytelling in an original Oral Sense transmuted the listeners by intonation that implied all imbedded in the words used, and their meanings, to expand the way a story was told. Similarly, stories that are read have imbedded in them 'links' in images conjured and dialogue or thoughts articulated that encapsulate or epitomise and add to what will ultimately be revealed as the main theme or themes the storyteller is communicating. Each hard copy, hold in your hand, book of any note has a 'voice' that remains in you once read and can be carried and referred to when similar atmospheres occur in your real-time life. A linear style  is similar to this 'one voice', even if created from many threads and matches the way we think clearly. Non-linear is more like us thinking of ten things at once and good when we can list these as sub-headings under a main heading, but creating more confusion if we cannot identify their 'note' in the sequence of the melody due to its belonging too much to another song.
Hypertext Storytelling in its current form contains both linear and non-linear elements 'embedded' into the work itself, a far more accessible and self-contained product results, even if you do choose to wander far off the original page. The scope adds extra definitions and layers to the work. This is more suited to the way we think then going back and forth and off to the side. If we jump into the river we may not mind exploring the streams on either side but we will still want to stay in the river, and reach the ocean in time for the right tide.
Reading on the Web is still not as personal and one to one as curling up with a box of chocolates under your favourite tree with one of your favourite tomes. The physical aspect of sitting upright or scrunched over doe not lend itself to allowing yourself to delve into or be filled with the world you are holding in your hand. Intimacy is not of the same quality, you are always aware that a page you think only you are looking at on the web is also in a 'public domain' and versed in an  informative text that is not the same as an authors' soul whispering quietly to your own soul. There is an awareness that someone may be looking over your shoulder, or that this peach you found has already been bitten by others and thus does not have the same revelatory context that experiencing a story read solely by you, even if it has already been read by millions for decades before, provides. There is still a remaining sense of being spoken 'at' rather then 'to'.
Or maybe that is just my perspective as each and every day I am either thinking about story telling, its architecture or trying to get better at practicing storytelling. We may 'interact', particpate and Share, and all the voices are eventually creating a kind of harmony in their layers, and it is grand golden Technological soul that is evolving which we each contribute sparks to, but it also contains aspects of 'apartness' still and makes me pine for days when we all leave our mouseketeering and go outside, and smile to each other there as we do over the Web, and Particpate in Sharing more then anecdotes about the weather. The 'intimacy' created by or afforded by this 'apartness' obviously answers a need we have developed as an aspect of our time and place in the universe, and has created whole new tribes that are no longer defined by place or genes but by where their natures and interests lead them to experience Concordance, but it is also tainted by a falseness, a mask donned or shed each time we move to or away from our keyboards. We wish to engage with each other and time, distance, creed, colour, and six billion people wanting to partciapte in Life have led us to this medium and its collaborative sense of world wide Community. This has created a feeling, an experience we would do well to translate and utilise in all other aspects of our lives. Humankind would benefit.
Lastly, and not just for and because of the Revolutionaries, or Protest Song singers of every age of human development, the Web has also taken on another very important Human aspect; having left the fifties where we chose people 'to speak for us' and being powerless to edit them when we did not agree with what is said, to now where we can all 'speak for ourselves' and any mainstream media which chooses to ignore the growing voices, and their tone or slant on any subject, do so at their own peril.
I am concerned about how we are creating physical maligning in our bodies, alike how news-anchors exacerbate the split in their eyes by reading monitors, that require the balance of stretching out exercises after too much clicking, exercises like watching birds flit from branch to branch would be a simple starting point. Our Electronic parallel worlds can be given their organic context in a physical, mental and emotion way that may further refine the webs' 'soul'.
Perhaps a 'Day' will be allocated as World Wide Grin Day, with a Mouse or plug-in data collector as its entrance necklace, and we will get out and grin at each other in person, discuss, in long rants, all we are trying to figure out or further refine, with those who aren't 'plugged in' being pulled over the fence into the party arena by we who heard the whisper on the grape-vine.
Bouncers Beware of We who can Concoct a Story...
Whoops... seem to have wandered slightly from my Start Point...
Might be Hyper... Texting....
Or collecting Resonant Points…. Bookmarking
Core Competencies of Web 2.0 Companies

·    Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability
·    Control over unique, hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them
·    Trusting users as co-developers
·    Harnessing collective intelligence
·    Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service
·    Software above the level of a single device 
·    Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models
The next time a company claims that it's "Web 2.0," test their features against the list above. The more points they score, the more they are worthy of the name. Remember, though, that excellence in one area may be more telling than some small steps in all seven.

FROM: our Readings

Oct. 2009: Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle answer the question of "What's next for Web 2.0?" in Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On.

Looking at the subtle shifts between the World Wide Web as it first emerged and the great profusuion of Interacting applications that are what is considered WWW or Web 2.0 has led to close and far flung research this week. A Christmas video of the Hallelujah Chorus, posted mid-November, had over 22 and a half million hits by mid-Decemeber, and another 500 thousand lookers at a few days later. It’s amazing how many, and how quickly word of mouth via electronic technology now spreads. A few days after discovering this one it formed part of a morning news program (Channel 9).
Investigating John Dewey who published How We Think (1933) due to the date /year of original publication, brought up notions of how historical influences and eventually published information develop concepts of the human conidtion andhow  its core and part instinctual aims can be mapped, examined and placed in context. It also brought up comparing Disciplines knowledge, especially the framework of ideas and their architecture’s reflection of non-linear creating lineal thought, attitudes, perceptions and beleifs. How we Think, as a concept, echoes in model form, How We Think when surfing the web, including whimsies to locate far flung notions that may be far from the Key Points but also enhance an understanding of non-linear thought resolving all information and knowledge into one ongoing Process and processing.
Education and Learning to learn, viewed thus, is a giant who has moved stolidly behind my right shoulder and who chooses to join its Light to mine so that, instead of being kept in the dark due to lack of information, as Information is power.

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